Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wrapping it up

It has been way to long since my last post. Daniel and I have both been busy at work. The month of June is shaping up to be super busy. We both had bachelor/bachelorette parties last weekend, two weddings to attend the next two weekends, Relay for Life and hopefully a lake trip coming up. Plus, we decided to go to Miami for my birthday to visit my dad.

Anyway, I wanted to post a couple more pictures of our trip to France and wrap it up. Our last day in Paris we went on a market tour. Next time we are there I will definitely be returning to the markets. You can get everything there. Seriously, you could buy dinner, socks, clothes and anything else you can think of. It was such a cool experience.

We got lunch from one of the stands on Rue Cler. We bought a rotisserie chicken and got to try potato gratin. It was something I would definitely recommend.

The rest of the day was spent shopping and trying to see the last couple of sights we had missed via on the bus tour.

For dinner we went to an amazing restaurant that specializes in duck. Daniel and I are not the most adventurous eaters, but we really tried to go out of our comfort zone on this trip. I had tried duck confit when we first go to Paris and loved it and was excited to try the best in the city.

Au Petit Sud Ouest's menu consists of duck, duck and more duck. A husband and wife run the restaurant and speak great English. It was one of the best meals we ate while we were there. I could write a whole blog about how amazing the potatoes were. Best ever. It was the perfect way to end our trip.

So, if you ever have a chance to go to Paris, GO! Don't let all of the negative stereotypes deter you. Everyone was nice and I would go back for sure.

And this is what we came to. The dogs were very happy that we were home.

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