Thursday, September 1, 2011

30 before 30

So I am totally stealing this idea from my little sister. She has a fabulous blog and if you are looking for another great blog to read, I would definitely recommend hers. Anyway, she made a list of 25 things she wanted to do before she turned 25 and I thought it was super inspiring and a nice way to set goals and document your achievements. However, I am 25 plus so "25 before 25" wouldn't really work for me, so I decided to do "30 before 30."

I'm not going to lie, it was really hard to think of 30 things that I want to do before I turn 30. Some things came right to me, but others required some soul searching. There are some serious things on my list and some not so serious things. Of course, I had to include lots of travel.

30 Things I Want To Do Before I Turn 30

1. Expand our family
2. Go to Greece
3. Get my bachelors' degree in Resipratory Therapy
4. Take golf lessons
5. Learn how to make homemade tortillas
6. Read 30 books
7. Go to New York at Christmas
8. Learn how to knit
9. Drive Highway 1 along California's coast
10. Brush up on my spanish
11. Make a gourmet meal
12. Run a half marathon
13. Take things a little less seriously
14. Learn how to sew well enough to fix loose buttons and broken seams
15. Find a recipe for the perfect pizza crust
16. Go on a picnic
17. Finish remodeling the house
18. Ride in a hot air balloon
19. Go antiquing
20. Learn how to use a DSLR camera
21. Volunteer
22. Go to ACL or some other music festival
23. Go camping for reals, like in a tent
24. Plant a vegetable garden and grow things
25. Take surfing lessons
26. Learn Photoshop
27. Make something that I pinned on Pinterest
28. Learn how to make a couple different cocktails
29. Trace my family's roots
30. Get scuba certified

So there are all my goals and I feel very confident that I will complete all of them in the next 3 years. I'll keep you guys updated on my progress!


  1. Love this! I only have a year left on my goals and lots to do, so I need to get on it.

  2. Way to go Heather. The design and post look great. Good luck with your list. All the best,
    Uncle Chris
