Friday, April 20, 2012

fill in the blank friday

I aim to keep the people happy and I know the people like them some fill in the blanks.  I pre filled out two fill in the blanks so there would be something on the blog while I am vacationing.  This is a gift (from the little things we do).  

1. When I was a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist that worked with manatees when I grew up.

2. As an adult, my dream job would be a travel show host. Samantha Brown is living my dream. I would love any job that allowed me to travel and experience other cultures. If you know of one, please share.

3. When I was younger I wanted to be just like my mom.  She worked so hard to make things easy for my sister and me.  She is still pretty legit.

4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when I was Snow White. My aunt made the costume for me.  There is one picture my parents took that is still my favorite picture of myself ever.

5. My favorite childhood toy was Barbies. I had a ton and created very complex story lines. I probably played with them for far longer than I should have but I blame my younger sister.

6. The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I spit on my dad. I had never gotten spanked until that moment and I totally deserved it.  I'm still pretty ashamed to admit that I did that.  Live and learn.

7. I get daily inspiration from Pinterest and my family and friends.

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