Tuesday, October 2, 2012

32 weeks

It is pretty exciting to be able to say that Baby Brown will be here next month.  It is also incredibly scary.  When I first found out that we were pregnant I was obviously very excited but not too happy with the timing of it all.  Beggars should not be choosers but I work in the medical field and I know that November is the gateway to flu/cold/RSV season.  I also know that the holidays mean lots of people coming to town and those people bring their little people who carry nasty germs.  It is hard to tell people that while you are happy they want to come see the baby, you would prefer that they leave their kids and germs at the door (but that is what we will be doing).  

However, as this pregnancy has progressed I have realized that there are some really amazing things about being due near the holidays.  My family was already planning on taking time off from work, which means they don't have to take off any additional time.  My mom has to use her time off by the end of the year and usually has a bunch to take in December.  This means that she can come for the baby and stay for a while.  Hallelujah!  Finally, a baby gets you out of a lot of things you would otherwise be obligated to do around the holidays.  And score!  I think that this is definitely a lesson in God's time being far superior to our timing and learning that even Type A/OCD people can learn to let go and may find the silver lining. 

How far along: 32 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss:  21 pounds.  My weight gain slowed down a little recently. 
Maternity clothes: I am in the gray area of needing a few more maternity items to hold me over until this baby comes and not really wanting to spend any money on clothes that will only fit for a short time.
Stretch marks: None.  Yay!
Sleep: Insomnia is not a joke.  Neither is waking up to go to the bathroom a dozen times every night.
Best moment this week: Hearing that the baby is doing well at our doctor's appointment and going to the pumpkin patch.  
Movement: He really loves my left side.  Sometimes he pushes so hard that you can see his tiny bottom poking out which makes it look like I have a tumor.  All very cute.
Food cravings: Sweets are still my favorite.   I like pretty much like everything but pork chops (or large servings of meat).  I also have a hard time with grease. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None.
Belly in or out: It's still half in and half out.
Symptom of the week: This week's symptom goes with last week's symptom.  When you are pregnant, your body produces relaxin to help loosen/widen joints in preparation for birth.  Relaxin can affect joints all over your body and this week I have noticed a difference in my feet.  They have definitely gotten a little wider and my shoes are a little tighter.  I had not prepared myself for this situation and since it is not appropriate to wear flip flops in the fall, I'm not sure what I am going to do.
What I miss: Being able to walk without feeling like a fool.
What I am looking forward to: We are having a baby shower on Saturday and I am so excited!  My mom will get here on Thursday and we have maternity pictures on Friday.  It's a busy week at the Brown house.
Weekly wisdom: For every ten people who tell you how great you look, there is one jackass that will sense your insecurities and take great joy in pointing them out.  Ignore the jackass.   
Milestones: We are partially pre-registered at the hospital and going to the doctor every two weeks.


  1. Have fun at your shower and with Aunt Barb! Hows the nursery coming?

  2. We had a great shower and hopefully my mom had as much fun as we did. Small towns can be pretty boring. The nursery is coming along. We have to buy a couple more things and then we'll be done. I actually think we might finish before the baby comes. Are you guys done with Arya's?

  3. I am glad you had a good visit and a good shower. Its nice to have all those plans but it is also nice when they are all done! I have most the items off my check list in hopes that when I start my leave I can just do my crafts! Arya's room is pretty much done. I have pictures but I have not had a chance to post them yet. I cant wait to see Beckett's nursery!
