Friday, March 16, 2012

fill in the blank friday

Since there was no official fill in the blank friday on the little things we do, I thought I would find an old one to do. I have a paper due for school this evening and I have no desire to start it. None. Zero. Goose egg. Can you have senioritis at 27?

1. Today I am wearing a green and blue striped boatneck tee, boyfriend shorts, and my new Mulberry sandals (which I am having a major love fest with at the moment). It feels like summer in the Panhandle!

2. My favorite childhood food was probably the fried chicken Kid Cuisine (why my parents let my sister and I eat those is one of life's great mysteries) and my favorite food now is lobster, mashed potatoes, almost any type of cheese, and strawberries.

3. A day that I am too busy to stop and appreciate my blessings is a day that I am too busy.

4. The last movie I saw was Safe House and the next movie I want to see is The Hunger Games! A week from today this wish will be fulfilled.

5. My favorite smell is rain because it is a very rare occurrence in our area. Just ask a farmer.

6. A weird little quirk I have is that I am super anal about where things are in my house. I usually spend half an hour post-housekeeper rearranging everything to my exact specifications. I have a hard time handling house guests because they move my stuff. I am getting more neurotic by the day.

7. When I take personality quizzes they always say I'm that I am creative and walking a fine line between being social and a homebody. I like to go out but I also like to sit on the couch for hours.

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