Friday, May 11, 2012

fill in the blank friday

The weekend is here and I for one am loving the gloomy weather we are having.  It makes me feel a little less guilty about my nap schedule.  I had big plans to tackle the clutter in one of our spare rooms, but it looks like I will be flying solo.  My husband is working all weekend and I get to work on Sunday.  There might not be much progress made.  Here are this week's blank from the little things we do.  

1.  On a scale from 1-10 the frequency with which I get sick is,   a three.  I wasn't really sick at all this past winter so I am thinking my years of hard labor at the hospital have finally paid off.

2.   The last time I felt sick was   probably when I had my cyst removed in October.  I felt super run down.  I thought I may be getting sick earlier in the week but I am feeling much better now.

3.  The worst part about being sick is     the absolute desire to do nothing       because     who is going to cross tasks off my many to do lists if I am down for the count?  One of my fears about life with Baby Brown is getting sick and being absolutely helpless because there's a baby that needs me.

4. When I am sick I like to be taken care of by   being waited on hand and foot.  I really am a superb patient but I do enjoy being taken care of.

5. Something I do to keep myself healthy is    washing my hands and taking vitamins.  I also try to do some for of physical activity to help boost my immune system.

6. A secret remedy that I use when I'm sick is to    drinking fluids and resting.  I've realized that the more you fight being sick, the longer you are sick.  If I just go with it, I usually feel better much more quickly.

7.  One thing that always makes me feel better when I'm sick is   chicken broth, crackers, and Sprite.  I never want chicken broth when I am healthy, but when I am sick it's all I want.  That and mashed potatoes.

1 comment:

  1. Crackers are at the top of my list! They always make me feel a little better :)

