Tuesday, July 24, 2012

22 weeks (+ a Jack update)

Things are a little nuts at the Brown house.  We have contractors in one part of the house and dogs on bed rest in the other.  I feel a little like Florence Nightingale.  I will talk more about Jack below.  The remodel is moving a little slower than anticipated which is always the case.  It will be done this week though.  Once it is done, we will have to rearrange our new guest room and empty out the room we're using for the nursery so we can get started in there.  I am ready for the house to be mess and contractor-free.  But I have a feeling that it will be September before I get my wish.  

How far along: 22 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss:  Somewhere around 12 pounds.  I am measuring spot on for 22 weeks which makes me feel a little less like a cow.
Maternity clothes:  A mix of maternity and pre-maternity clothes but starting to lean towards more maternity clothes.
Stretch marks: None.  
Sleep: I am not getting the most restful sleep but I still haven't woken up in the middle of the night due to the baby so I think that's a good thing.
Best moment this week: Not exactly baby-related, but Jack coming home!  Plus, starting on our hall/nursery remodel.
Movement: Lots and lots of movement.
Food cravings: Sugar cookies with icing.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None.
Belly in or out: Still in.
Symptom of the week: Leg cramps.  Holy moly, these hurt.  I have just started to experience these moments of torture and it seems like I usually get them when I have just woken up.  They are not fun at all.
What I miss: Not feeling like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  In addition to the remodels and taking care of dogs, I am finishing up my bachelor's degree and president of our local sorority for the year.  My to-do lists are all that keep me sane.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting with my friend Jennifer to discuss the nursery next week.
Weekly wisdom: This doesn't have anything to do with being pregnant, but everyone is busy within in their own space but time management makes all the difference.  I hate when people use being busy as an excuse for not getting things done.
Milestones: Daniel has started feeling the baby move a lot more, which he is pretty excited about.  Oh and I can barely fit into my scrub pants for work anymore which was a fun surprise when I had to work last weekend.

A Jack update:

Surgical cones are no fun
Jack is home!  We picked him up from the vet this morning and we are so happy to have him back.  He has to be confined to a crate or on a leash for the next three weeks.  Let me tell you, it's going to be a long three weeks but we are so lucky that he made it through his surgery and recovery.  He also is on a special food and has to eat four times a day and go for lots of short walks.  I totally feel like I am back at the hospital.  He also has a cone because he has a hard time leaving his incisions alone but only wears it for a few hours a day because it makes me feel so terrible.  The next big test is a week from Friday.  He gets his stitches out and starts working back towards eating dry food.  I think he may miss the canned food.  Marley is also doing very well but I think she was getting used to having all the attention for herself.  She is a little jealous.  

And one more picture where he doesn't look so sad

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad your dogs are home and recovering! Also that your remodel is coming along! Remember not to get stressed out too much. You can only do so much! Make sure to take care of you. (As I am typing this I am telling it to myself too) Everything else will work out!
    So leg cramps. I had them when I was pregnant with Rilee. They would happen while I was sleeping. I feel for you! They hurt so bad. Eat bananas. It really did help. I made sure to eat at least 1 a day if not more.
    I am really glad that you are getting to feel him more. Its an awesome feeling until it starts hurting. Some of them take my breath away! Good luck and get some rest!
