Tuesday, July 31, 2012

23 weeks

I feel like all of our canine medical drama was meant to prepare me for being a parent.  I am beginning to realize what it will be like to have to put my needs on the back burner and put another being first. Almost all of my decisions this past week have revolved around dogs.  I try to run all my errands at once and figure out what I can cut out because I hate leaving them alone for long periods of time.  Jack has to be fed every few hours.  He has to be put on a leash and taken outside and monitored when he needs to go to the bathroom.  If he is upset about being crated, I have to calm him down without using food, which was always my go to.  I am tired and done by 6 pretty much every night and I could care less what I look like because taking care of him takes up all my energy.  To all the parents who read this, I'm starting to figure you out and I get why you are so tired.  And he is just a dog.  This worries me a little.  

How far along: 23 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss:  It doesn't even matter because people are so nice about your weight when you are pregnant.   
Maternity clothes:  More and more maternity clothes.
Stretch marks: Zero.  Zip.  And I thank the Lord everyday.  
Sleep: I have been having some crazy-ass dreams and that is truly the only way to describe them.  I had a dream that the baby kicked so hard that his legs through my stomach.  Sick and crazy-ass.
Best moment this week: I got to see lots of friends that I haven't seen all summer!  It was so nice catching up with so many fabulous people.
Movement: If I am sitting or trying to sleep, he is moving.  I think this is an example of be careful what you wish for.
Food cravings: Super pretzels, which I cannot get anywhere in town.  I also saw a pin that featured a hot dog wrapped in a pretzel and that really captured my  interest.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None.
Belly in or out: Still in but I feel like it may not be too much longer before this changes.
Symptom of the week: Numbness.  I have actually experienced this symptom since the beginning of my pregnancy.  When I walk, my fingers swell and go numb.  My feet also get numb regularly now.  It's hard to get motivated to walk when you know you won't be able to feel your hands for a while.
What I miss: Our town's big rodeo and reunion is this weekend and it is very strange to not be partaking in the festivities.  I have to work both Saturday and Sunday.  It will be different to say the least.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done and getting a chance to relax.  I don't know that the relaxing part will really happen but a girl can dream.
Weekly wisdom:  If you aren't feeling good about yourself go find some people to tell you how great you look.  It helps. 
Milestones: I met with Jennifer to talk about the nursery today!  A color palette will hopefully be confirmed this weekend and we have a list of furniture I need to buy.  Things are starting to happen.

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