Friday, June 1, 2012

fill in the blank friday

I feel like I haven't done one of these in forever!  I am currently being stalked by a 100 pound Weimaraner because it is thundering and actually raining in the Texas Panhandle.  I am not joking when I say that this will be front page news.  I leave for Houston on Sunday and I could not be more excited!

1.  The best surprise ever would be,   a surprise trip.  I always plan our trips so it would be nice to have one planned for me so I could really enjoy it.  I have a feeling that my type A, control freak self would never actually allow this to happen.  I would also love to be surprised by a Celine Mini Luggage in Red for my birthday.  Just saying.

2.      Finding out that we were finally, actually going to have a baby   is my most favorite memory .

3.  The hardest, but most worthwhile thing I've ever done was   moving to the Panhandle to start a new life with my husband.  There are still days where I cry and wish we lived closer to my family, but all in all small town living is not so bad (unless my husband decides that city living is the life for him and wants to move which I am in favor of).

4.  The best part of my day is   the evening.  I get a little lonely some days being home alone and the dogs are not the best conversationalists.  I get to talk to another adult and sometimes we go on walks, which make me very happy.

5. Something I like that most people don't is      brown sugar on my corn.

6. Something I am willing to fight for is     my marriage.

7.  Something you might not know about me is   I have almost fallen off/out of two different amusement park rides.  One was Space Mountain at Disneyland and the other was a viking ship ride that swung upside down at Busch Gardens.  True stories.

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